100 Voices: An Ecological History of the Modern World

100 Voices: An Ecological History of the Modern World is a book-length manuscript that brings a humanistic and environmental narrative of global history to a broad audience of readers. Grounded in the selection of one hundred first-person documents drawn from across our planet and throughout the past five centuries, it rests on the belief that the distillation of the human spirit in history resides in the voices of the people who lived through, reflected, and affected historical change.

The documents selected for the book will fall into three categories: expressions of the conceptualization, from indigenous viewpoints to those based in empirical science, of nature and the nonhuman; explications of the technologies (in mechanical terms, but also those enlisted for social, psychological, and cultural applications) by which both the natural and human worlds have been tamed, exploited, and often destroyed by human actions; and testimonies of persons whose reactions to the environmental and social effects of innovations and technologies represent the ingenuity and persistence of humanity, as individuals and groups assert proactively their own capacity to affect positive social and environmental sustenance.